Vendor-Managed Inventory

Whether you have limited warehouse space, are subject to unpredictable demand, are committed to lean principles, or simply require outsourced inventory management, Unicorr will manage your inventory at our locations based on your sales forecasts and history, then deliver that inventory on short notice.  Our most common application of vendor managed inventory (VMI) service is delivering to the product that is on our floor to you the next day.

We offer this customizable service to help you maintain limited amounts of inventory at your facility based on limited space or lean manufacturing principles. This service is also beneficial for items with highly unpredictable sales as warehousing those items can be used as a buffer. To facilitate delivery speeds, we maintain a network of warehouses and satellite locations throughout the Northeast to store product close to your facility.

Each program is unique and we tailor our VMI programs to the needs and requirements of each customer. For some customers, we take physical inventory and order products accordingly. Other customers give us access to their information systems and we can track usage and minimum and maximum inventory levels and deliver product accordingly.


  • Maintain minimal inventory at your location
  • Respond to varying product demands
  • Quick lead times and fast order processing
  • On-time delivery
  • Warehousing locations close to your facility
  • Help prevent product obsolescence
  • Improve cash flow
  • Limit the amount of damage from handling our products at your facility